
We treat every child as our own, dedicating ourselves wholeheartedly to their success.

School Policies

 The first few years of your child’s life is a time of magic and wonder. We understand the importance of these years, and dedicate ourselves to making them positive and productive. Our school policies are dictated by this philosophy, and designed for your child’s optimal learning and growth.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Inclusion and Equality

Ofsted Reports

Whilst this is a snapshot of a particular experience on one day, our experience is that these reports do give a brief insight as to the value your child might gain from attending our nursery.
Please click on link below to read our latest reports from our sister nurseries in the Brighton  and Hove area. 
Wagtails Nursery Report Woodpeckers Nursery Report Robins Nursery Report

Parent Information

Here are some useful documents if you are considering joining our nursery. These can be emailed or posted to you on request. 
Terms and Conditions Admissions Policy
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